When a webpage is created, webpage authors and static page generators will often grab low-level asset files from a trusted location. Between Pelican and Elegant, these files will often number between 8 and 15 CSS or JavaScript files. While these files are essential to the proper look and feel of a properly designed website, the overhead of this content being in separate files is that separate requests are made for each of them to the server.


Elegant comes with a compressed and concatenated CSS stylesheet, so that only one request is made to fetch the CSS stylesheets. Following instruction is redundant for most users.

But if you have decided to customize the theme using custom.css then follow these instruction.

Pelican provides a plugin that takes the various CSS and JavaScript files and compiles each group of them into a single file. Not only does this process reduce the number of calls to retrieve files from the server, but it minifies or reduces the overall size of those files as well.


To enable Asset Management for your website, add assets to the PLUGINS configuration variable in your Pelican configuration.

PLUGINS = ['assets']


The assets plugin requires the Python webassets and cssmin packages to be installed.

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Talha Mansoor is the creator and lead developer of Elegant theme
Jack De Winter ever evolving, ever learning

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