Once you have determined that you want to update to the latest release of Elegant, the process is usually quite simple. There are wo main ways to get the Elegant theme: as a standalone repository and as part of the Pelican-Themes repository.

Via the Pelican-Themes Repository

If you installed the Elegant theme as part of the Pelican-Themes repository, all of the themes available in that project will be located at a level one down from the directory where you installed the repository into. For example, if you installed the repository with the following command:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-themes ../blog-themes
cd ../blog-themes
git submodule update --init elegant
git submodule update --remote elegant

it installed every theme known to the project in the current directory where the command was executed from. Along with (at last count) 125 other themes, the Elegant theme is located under the elegant directory.

Replacing With the Pelican-Themes Repository

The Elegant theme is included into the Pelican-Themes project by using a git concept called sub-modules. Because of the ways that sub-modules work, if you want to update one sub-module in a project, it is almost always desired to remove the sub-module that you want to update and clone it in again. This is accomplished with the following script:

rm -rf ../blog-themes/elegant
git clone --jobs 8 --recurse-submodules --depth 1 --shallow-submodules https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant.git ../blog-themes/elegant

Assuming the blog-themes directory is at the same level as your Pelican directory, the script removes the Elegant directory under the blog-themes directory, only to recreate it using the git clone command on the next line.

Note that this also has the benefit of updating your Elegant theme to the latest theme based on Elegant’s repository, instead of relying on the Pelican-Themes repository. There is often a lag between when a release is made in Elegant’s repository and when it is available “automatically” through the Pelican-Themes repository. By using this method of updating the repository, you keep the directory structure of the Pelican-Themes repository while making sure you have the latest release of Elegant.

Via a Standalone Repository

If you installed the Elegant theme as a standalone repository, you most likely followed directions like the following to clone the Elegant repository:

mkdir ../blog-theme/Elegant
git clone https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant ../blog-theme/Elegant

For this example, the assumption is that the Pelican directory where your website is stored is at the same level as the blog-theme directory. As such, the ../blog-theme part of the path gets us to the theme part of the directory tree. It is possible to just leave the path at that, but it is recommended to add the /Elegant at the end as a reminder of the repository name.

If the Elegant theme was installed in this manner, you can either update your local repository or recreate your repository as noted in the following two sections.

Updating a Standalone Theme

The master branch of Elegant’s Git repository always contains the latest release. To update to that release, go into the Elegant theme directory (../blog-theme/Elegant from the example above), and enter the following command.

git pull origin master

Note that this is the most effective way of updating your standalone repository if you have not made any changes to the the theme. If you have made some changes, you may be required to merge the changes in your local repository with any changes in the release version you pulled down with this command.

Recreate a Standalone Theme

If you are lucky, you will not reach a time where you believe, even a tiny bit, that you have messed up the contents of your theme repository. If you have made any changes to the base Elegant theme, it is inevitable that at some point you will need to reset the repository to a known good state. Assuming that the repository is in the directory ../blog-theme/Elegant, per the example above, executing the following command:

rmdir -rf ../blog-theme/Elegant

will remove the entire theme from your local system. Once this is done, you can follow the clone directions in the example at the top of this section on standalone repositories to restore the Elegant theme directory to the same state as Elegant’s master branch on GitHub.

Using The Tasks Framework

Windows Users

The tasks framework is set up with commands for a Linux system. If you intend to use the tasks framework on your Windows system, a number of changes will be required. If you feel like helping us out with this, we will gladly accept a PR to address this!

If you are using the Python invoke framework, then this work is already done for you by using the theme_sync task in documentation/tasks.py file. The invoke package can be installed in the usual manner:

pip install invoke

Once installed, typing invoke theme_sync will execute that task as defined in the file tasks.py as follows:

def theme_sync(c):
    """Make a fresh shallow copy of pelican-elegant theme"""
    c.run("rm -rf themes")
        "git clone --jobs 8 --recurse-submodules --depth 1 --shallow-submodules https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant.git themes/elegant"

Note that this script makes a couple of assumptions about where you are invoking the task from and where you have your themes stored. If you are okay with that, give it a try!

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