Here are some tips we have found useful for using Git to contribute to the project.

How To Set Up Your Git Repository

  1. Create your own fork of Elegant by going to the project repository webpage on GitHub and pressing the Fork button.

Fork Button

  1. You will now be redirected to the page representing your fork of the repository. To clone the your fork of the repository to your computer, press the Clone or download button and follow the instructions provided.

Clone or Download button

  1. Create a directory to host your repository in and change to that directory. Run the following command to set your forked repository as Upstream:

bash git remote add upstream

Pull Before Starting Changes

Most of the changes that you will submit will be against the Upstream repository’s next branch. Whether you decide to work in your local repository’s next branch or create a new branch of your own, it is recommended that you do a git pull against the Upstream next branch before starting to work on a new set of changes. This will ensure that you are starting from a known good point, and reduce the chance of requiring a merge at a later stage.

Updating/Rebasing to Upstream

It is a good practice to update your repository to it’s Upstream repository one or more times during the development of your changes. Specifically, the next branch of the repository is where most of the changes are submitted to, and you should either rebase or pull any changes down to your local repository from there. This practice will ensure that any changes that have been made to that Upstream branch are brought down where you can test your changes with anyone other changes.

To update from the next branch, from within your project directory, enter the following commands:

  1. git fetch upstream next
  2. git rebase upstream/next

Squash Commits & More Complex Rebasing

Before you create a pull request in GitHub, you have the option to squash your commits into a single commit. This is often used to clean up a series of commits where you were experimenting with something or just had to fiddle with something to get it just right.

To squash and rebase your commits, use the following command:

git rebase --interactive upstream/master


As with all knives, especially Swiss-army knives, please take caution. Rebasing a repository after pushing one or more commits to another repository can be troublesome.

For more on the interactive rebase command of Git, see its official documentation and helper articles such as this article.

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Talha Mansoor is the creator and lead developer of Elegant theme
Jack De Winter ever evolving, ever learning




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